Ballistic measurement systems: FADAC Data conversion box


Data conversion box for the Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer (FADAC)

The Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer (FADAC) M-18, developed by Amelco (Teledyne Systems, Inc.) and North American — Autonetics in 1967, is a fire control computer. The FADAC M-18 was in use by the Royal Netherlands Army from 1968.
A description of the operation of the FADAC M-18 can be found in the 1969 Military Spectator.

FADAC M-18 FADAC M-18 (source: National Military Museum (NMM) Soesterberg)
FADAC M-18 FADAC M-18 (source: National Military Museum (NMM) Soesterberg)


FADAC M-18 (photo: National Military Museum (NMM) Soesterberg)
FADAC M-18 (photo: National Military Museum (NMM) Soesterberg)

TNO Waalsdorp was asked to develop a converter box to record data from the FADAC on papertape and to read information towards the FADAC from papertape. Moreover, 5-track, 7-track and 8-track paper tapes can be copied and converted using the box. Program paper tapes for the FADAC can be created in manual mode.


FADAC adjustment unit: in the middle is the adjustment unit, on the left a GNT papertape reader and on the right a Teletype papertape punch.
FADAC adaptation unit: in the centre is the adaptation unit, to the left is a GNT papertape reader and to the right is a Teletype papertape punch.