Operations Research (EN)


Operations Research

Around the time of the Second World War, a new research field called Operations Research surfaced. It took a while before Operations Research became a research area at the Physics Laboratory. In 1955 a task force was established. At the end of 1956, dedicated “system research” was applied to signal processing. In 1957, game theory was demonstrated with electronics. From then on, Operations Research at the TNO location The Hague Waalsdorp became an important research field for the Royal Netherlands Navy and later for all Armed Forces. 

The use of operations research models required computers and processing of data (see also: computer history) and employees skilled in programming. This resulted in adaptation projects whose programming predominated.
Several examples of our previous projects:

Moreover, direct support is offered to the deployed Royal Netherlands Armed Forces:


tic-tac-toe machine
Tic-tac-toe machine (1957)