1956: radarwaarneembaarheid – later radar remote sensing; eerst waarnemingen van televisietorens; later een Engelse side looking airborne radar (SLAR)
Propagatiexeperimenten op microgolfgebied


LW-radars bij PTI Huizen gebaseerd op prototype Von Weiler; continue ontwikkeling voor de KM   Middenfrequentie van 15 naar 30 MHz.

Around 1957, the Physics Laboratory TNO received an order from the Armed Forces for the “Radar observability” project. This became the first activity on Radar Remote Sensing in the Netherlands. The Armed Forces were interested to know what an aircraft  “sees”  when it flies at a low level above the Netherlands when the aircraft is equipped with a radar for navigation and mapping.
Lacking suitable aircraft, ship’s navigation radars with wavelengths of 3 cm and 8 mm were used to carry out the research. The radars were mounted on TV towers under construction. In this way, radar PPI pictures were obtained at a height of about 100m. The results of the project on flat land were discussed with the US Air Force. They have contributed to the requirements for the NASAR radar of the Starfighter for flying at low altitudes.

Controleapparaat radartoestellen (CORA) – wieken met transponders om te controleren of doelvolgradars gelocked bleven

THALES 3-D radar : Royal Navy + KM = 4 systemen; RN viel af, dus slechts twee systemen

Demonstration of Advanced Radar Techniques Radar (DART) 1984-1995